Join This Online Bank First:

Then Go here And Sign up. its a online job site. you can work here if you like or you can live it just like it is after registration. it depends on your skill. it doesn't matter what you can do, you can get any type of easy job. like registation in 100 site or write short articles.

After Sign up you have to active your account via email in odesk and you have to fill up some profile info. and goto the page in the image below:

click the payoneer mastercard "signup now" and signup there.
It will take 25 - 28 days to get you the card.
After getting the card activate it. after you get payments in your alertpay account you can add your master card in your alertpay account and can get direct payment in your country from the Bank Booth.
when you transfer 10$ 1st time in your card it will cut it off and fully charged for work.
and after that if you have 4$ extra in your account then you can connect it with paypal. so if you transfer money in payoneer card then try to transfer at least 14$.
Than goto Your Alertpay Account and Connect Your Mastercard:

Its Works very Fine For us. hope you will enjoy it.
Here is some Site List Those Will Pay You In Aterpay.




Here is some site That Will Pay u in Payoneer Directly.
1.The On Demand Global Workforce - oDesk
NB: Those site only support paypal don't pay for this countries. so join in those sites is a waste of time. we learned it by hard work. so now you can save your time. there is thousand of site who are paying by alertpay. work on them or get payment directly to your payoneer mastercard. it support all atm. good luck everybody.